Upcoming Workshops Led by Project Phoebe Team

Project Phoebe team leads Ian and Sage are collaborating with Sacramento County Regional Parks and Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Sacramento, CA to host two FREE workshops introducing you to mobile apps designed to help you contribute to science and conservation in your area! Please read on for details and a registration link.

Conservation in Your Pocket: Using Community Science Apps to Study and Support Nature Near You

Have you ever wished for the power to identify any bird, plant, mushroom or other organism you’ve encountered? A few outstanding naturalist apps can give you that power in your pocket! Join UC Davis graduate students Sage and Ian, who are partnering with Sacramento County Regional Parks to study a local songbird, for a free workshop on February 24th from 10am to 11:45am here at the EYNC that will help you get started using iNaturalist, eBird and Merlin to learn about the natural world anywhere, any time!

Date: Saturday, February 24th

Time: 10 – 11:45 AM

Location: Effie Yeaw Nature Center, Sacramento, CA

Sign up here!

A small bird with a black body and white belly perches on a branch, facing the camera.
Black Phoebe | Gail Patricelli
the iNaturalist logo.
iNaturalist, a community science app for documenting biodiversity.
Learn more here.
The eBird logo
eBird, a community science app for recording bird observations.
Learn more here.

Giving Nests Our Best: Volunteer Training to Document and Protect Nesting Birds in the American River Parkway and Beyond

Calling all bird enthusiasts and community conservationists: consider joining an upcoming workshop on how to identify, survey for and respect nesting birds in the American River Parkway and your neighborhood. UC Davis graduate students Sage Madden and Ian Haliburton, who are partnering with Sacramento County Regional Parks to study a local songbird, will be leading a training session to help you build these skills and support local birds in a new and very meaningful way. The workshop will be on Saturday, March 9th from 10am to 11:45am at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center!

Date: Saturday, February 24th

Time: 10 – 11:45 AM

Location: Effie Yeaw Nature Center, Sacramento, CA

Sign up here!

A fluffy looking bird with a big, yellow bill pokes its head out of the hole of a wooden nest box.
Tree Swallow chick peeking out of a nest box | Rhododendrites on Wikimedia Commons
NestWatch logo
NestWatch, a community science app for tracking bird nesting attempts.
Learn more here.

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