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Upcoming Workshops Led by Project Phoebe Team

Project Phoebe team leads Ian and Sage are collaborating with Sacramento County Regional Parks and Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Sacramento, CA to host two FREE workshops introducing you to mobile apps designed to help you contribute to science and conservation in your area! Please read on for details and a registration link. Conservation in […]

July Fieldwork Update: Heat Waves and Final Days

Summer is fully upon us as well as all of our feathered friends! You may have heard those classic lyrics, “it’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” but is it really easy living this time of year? Well, if you’re a grad student like us or any other sort of student, you might answer “yes!” […]

Phoebe Behavior Observations in Full Swing

Project Phoebe is about three months into its first field season. Adorable baby Phoebes have fledged (left the nest) at a handful of our nests, and some parents have already laid a second round of eggs! Other Phoebe pairs are just laying their first round of eggs. To better understand how city life affects Phoebe […]

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